Introducing Charalampos Efstathopoulos Charalampos Efstathopoulos is a Lecturer in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK. Charalampos’ research interests focus on the diplomacy of Southern powers in global governance. He specialises in the foreign policy of India
Sören Scholvin: The Geopolitics of Regional Power – Geography, Economics and Politics in Southern Africa
Introducing Sören Scholvin Sören Scholvin is a research fellow at the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography at the University of Hanover, Germany. Dr Scholvin is also an associated researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies. His
Béatrice Giblin: The Conflicts in the World – A Geopolitical Approach
Introducing Béatrice Giblin Béatrice Giblin is a geographer and Professor of Geopolitics. She is teaching at Paris 8 University (former experimental center of Vincennes). Professor Giblin is the founder of the French Institute of Geopolitics (2002) that she headed for
Joseph Cerami: International Security, Strategic Studies, Military Education, US Army
Interview with Joseph Cerami as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (International Security, Strategic Studies, Military Education, US Army)
Veit Bachmann: European Union, External Relations, Immigration, Development Policy
Interview with Veit Bachmann as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (European Union, External Relations, Immigration, Development Policy )
Jennifer Hazen: What Rebels Want – Resources and Supply Networks in Wartime
Introducing Jennifer Hazen Dr. Jennifer M. Hazen has spent the past 12 years working on security issues in Africa. Her research focuses on armed groups, intrastate conflict, transnational threats, and post-conflict peacebuilding. Dr. Hazen has served as a Research Fellow
Sabina Mihelj: Media Nations: Communicating Belonging and Exclusion in the Modern World

Introducing Sabina Mihelj Dr Sabina Mihelj is Senior Lecturer in Media, Communication and Culture in the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University, UK. She studied in Slovenia, Germany and Hungary and holds a PhD from the Ljubljana Graduate School
Julien Mercille: Cruel Harvest – US Intervention in the Afghan Drug Trade
Introducing Julien Mercille Julien Mercille is Lecturer at the School of Geography, Planning & Environmental Policy of the University College Dublin. Before receiving his PhD in geography from UCLA (Los Angeles, USA) in 2007, he obtained an MA in geography
Harm de Blij: Why Geography Matters, More Than Ever
Introducing Harm de Blij Born in the Netherlands, Harm de Blij went to primary and high school in Europe, received his B.Sc. from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, and his Ph.D. in geography from Northwestern University in
Saul Cohen: Geopolitical Review 2012 – Events that Impacted US Foreign Policy
This essay by Saul Cohen is part of the Geopolitical Review 2012 and discusses the main events that impacted US foreign policy in 2012
Gerard Toal: Ireland, Bosnia, Russia-Georgia, Global Crash, Pandemic, Nuclear War
Interview with Gerard Toal as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (Ireland, Bosnia, Russia-Georgia, Global Crash, Pandemic, Nuclear War, State Failure, Belfast, Critical Geopolitics)
Fiona McConnell: Unrecognised Nations and Peoples Organisation, Tibetan government
Interview with Fiona McConnell as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (Unrecognised Nations and Peoples Organisation, Tibetan government, states, politics, exile, legitimacy, territoriality)
Daniel Hammett: Global South, resistance, growing power of BRICs, Twitter, Zapiro
Interview with Daniel Hammett as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (Global South, resistance, growing power of BRICs, Twitter, Jonathan Zapiro, cartoons, international interest, African resources, dissent, citizenship)
David Nally: Great Irish Famine, Food Security, Natural Disasters, Land Grabs, Africa
Interview with David Nally as part of the Geopolitical Passport series about Great Irish Famine, Food Security, Natural Disasters, Land Grabs, Horn of Africa (Subsistence Crises, Confiscations, Foreign Acquisitions, Private Investors)
John Morrissey: subaltern narratives, biopolitical violence, strategic studies
Interview with John Morrissey as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (subaltern narratives, biopolitical violence, defense and strategic studies, geopolitical statecraft, Gaelic Ireland, imperialism, interventionism, superiority)
Alistair Fraser: Land reform, South Africa, urban slums, industrial farmers
Interview with Alistair Fraser as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (land reform, South Africa, urban slums, industrial farmers, peasants, class power, peace, justice, equality, socio-spatial processes, development)
Simon Dalby: 3-Climate change, humanity, capitalism, modernity, geographers
Interview with Simon Dalby about Climate change, humanity, capitalism, modernity, geographers (agricultural population, industrial society, urban ecologies, biosphere, bio-diversity reduction)
Pádraig Carmody: New Scramble for Africa, Fortune Global 500, China’s flexigemony
Interview with Pádraig Carmody about New Scramble for Africa, Fortune Global 500, China’s flexigemony (Transnational Corporations, TNCs, South, Chinese State Owned Companies)
Saul Cohen: Geopolitical Review 2011 – Global events and US foreign policy
Another part of the Geopolitical Review of 2011, written by Saul Cohen, about global events and US foreign policy (Arab Spring, Chinese, American, Global Century, Pacific Rim, Great, Regional, Soft, World Powers, Leaders, Republican Presidential Candidates)
Jo Sharp: Feminist geopolitics, postcolonialism, common sense, Reader’s Digest
Interview with Jo Sharp (Joanne): Feminist geopolitics, postcolonialism, common sense, Reader’s Digest (security, development, Gramscian, Foucaultian approaches, geographies)
David Storey: Territories, landscapes, spaces, places, states, borderless world
Interview with David Storey about Territories, landscapes, spaces, places, states, borderless world (Territorialisation, territoriality, claims, independence, legitimate government, Transnistria, Libya, Kosovo)
Federico Bordonaro: demography, Black Sea-Caspian region, strategic territories
Interview with Federico Bordonaro as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (demography, Black Sea-Caspian region, strategic territories, communication routes)
Melanie Hanif: India’s foreign policy, energy security and the nuclear deal
Interview with Melanie Hanif about India: foreign policy, energy security and the nuclear deal (US, international cooperation, negotiations, IBSA forum, BRIC summit, global position, economic growth, development, Cold War)
Jamie Scudder: Territorial Integrity – Modern States and the International System
Article by Jamie Scudder called Jamie Scudder: Territorial integrity 1 – modern states and the international system (political, jurisdiction, Peace of Westphalia, Lebanon, Somalia)
Martin Geiger: International Migration – Management, Organization and Policy
Interview with Martin Geiger about International Migration: Management, Organization and Policy (Politics, Europe, Schengen Treaty, Illegal Immigration, Human Women Trafficking, Minorities, Citizenship)