Introducing Virginie Mamadouh Dr Virginie Mamadouh is Associate Professor in Political and Cultural Geography at the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests include geopolitics and globalisation; transnationalism and ‘new media’; (transnational) migration and territorial identities; electoral geography and urban social
Virginie Mamadouh: Media studies, inclusion-exclusion, geoinformational technology
Interview with Virginie Mamadouh as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (media studies, inclusion-exclusion, geoinformational technology, feminist movements)
Virginie Mamadouh: Geopolitics in the 2000s
Virginie Mamadouh discusses four geopolitical approaches in this article called Geopolitics in the 2000s (Geostrategy, Geoeconomics, Post-Structuralistic, Subversive, Feminist, Neo-Marxist, Political Geography)