Introducing Colin Flint Colin Flint is a Distinguished Professor of Political Geography in the Department of Political Science at Utah State University. He has published research in leading international journals on the topics of geopolitics, war and peace, world-systems analysis,
Stephen Saideman: NATO in Afghanistan – Fighting Together, Fighting Alone
Introducing Stephen Saideman Stephen M. Saideman is the Paterson Chair in International Affairs at Carleton University. His research interests focus on the causes and consequences of intervention into intra-state conflicts. His current work focuses on Canadian and NATO’s efforts in
Pádraig Carmody: A Spectre is Haunting Europe – Ghost Geopolitics in Russia and Ukraine
Introducing Pádraig Carmody Pádraig Carmody lectures in Development Geography at TCD, from which he holds both a B.A. in Geography and History and M.Sc in Geography. He completed his Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Minnesota in 1998, where
Sören Scholvin: The Geopolitics of Regional Power – Geography, Economics and Politics in Southern Africa
Introducing Sören Scholvin Sören Scholvin is a research fellow at the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography at the University of Hanover, Germany. Dr Scholvin is also an associated researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies. His
Joseph Cerami: International Security, Strategic Studies, Military Education, US Army
Interview with Joseph Cerami as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (International Security, Strategic Studies, Military Education, US Army)
Peter Taylor: Extraordinary Cities – Millennia of Moral Syndromes, World-Systems and City/State Relations
Introducing Peter Taylor Peter Taylor is Professor of Human Geography at Northumbria University (UK), has previously been at Loughborough and Newcastle universities, and has held nine visiting positions in universities in North America and Europe. He was a founding editor
Sabina Mihelj: Media Nations: Communicating Belonging and Exclusion in the Modern World

Introducing Sabina Mihelj Dr Sabina Mihelj is Senior Lecturer in Media, Communication and Culture in the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University, UK. She studied in Slovenia, Germany and Hungary and holds a PhD from the Ljubljana Graduate School
Allen Scott: A World in Emergence – Cities and Regions in the 21st Century
Introducing Allen Scott Allen J Scott is distinguished research professor in the Department of Geography and the Department of Policy Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was awarded the Vautrin Lud Prize in 2003 and the Anders
Arthur Asa Berger: Understanding American Icons – An Introduction to Semiotics
Introducing Arthur Asa Berger Arthur Asa Berger is Professor Emeritus of Broadcast and Electronic Communication at San Francisco State University, where he taught from 1965 to 2003. He has published more than 100 articles and close to 70 books on
Julien Mercille: Cruel Harvest – US Intervention in the Afghan Drug Trade
Introducing Julien Mercille Julien Mercille is Lecturer at the School of Geography, Planning & Environmental Policy of the University College Dublin. Before receiving his PhD in geography from UCLA (Los Angeles, USA) in 2007, he obtained an MA in geography
Nathalène Reynolds: Communist Party India, Left Movement, West Bengal, Naxalites
Interview with Nathalène Reynolds about Communist Party India, Left Movement, West Bengal, Naxalites
Andrea Teti: Geopolitical Review 2012 – The Arab Spring in Egypt: From Uprising to Revolution?
This essay by Andrea Teti is part of the Geopolitical Review 2012 and discusses the aftermatch of the Arab Spring in Egypt
Harm de Blij: Why Geography Matters, More Than Ever
Introducing Harm de Blij Born in the Netherlands, Harm de Blij went to primary and high school in Europe, received his B.Sc. from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, and his Ph.D. in geography from Northwestern University in
Arne Westad: Restless Empire – China and the World since 1750
Interview with Arne Westad about his book Restless Empire – China and the World since 1750
Klaus Dodds: The Antarctic – A Very Short Introduction
Introducing Klaus Dodds Klaus Dodds is Professor of Geopolitics at Royal Holloway, University of London and Editor of The Geographical Journal. He has visited the Antarctic on four separate occasions and worked in sub-Antarctic islands such as South Georgia and
Joël Plouffe: Arctic Disputed Maritime Boundaries, Norway-Russia Border Treaty
Interview with Joël Plouffe about Arctic Disputed Maritime Boundaries, Norway-Russia Border Treaty
Joël Plouffe: Arctic Council, Circumpolar Governance, Environmental Cooperation
Interview with Joël Plouffe about Arctic Council, Circumpolar Governance, Environmental Cooperation
Joël Plouffe: Arctic Claims of EU, China and India; Resource Exploration/Exploitation
Interview with Joël Plouffe about Arctic claims of EU, China and India; Resource Exploration/Exploitation
Saul Cohen: Geopolitical Review 2012 – Events that Impacted US Foreign Policy
This essay by Saul Cohen is part of the Geopolitical Review 2012 and discusses the main events that impacted US foreign policy in 2012
Dale Walton: American Role in the World, Geostrategic Behavior, Defense Studies
Interview with Dale Walton about American Role in the World, Geostrategic Behavior and Defense Studies
Matthew Sparke: Globalization discourse, geoeconomic myths, neoliberalization
Interview with Matthew Sparke as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (Globalization discourse, geoeconomic myths, neoliberalization, Washington Consensus, Global Health, Education, Philanthrocapitalism)
Gerard Toal: Ireland, Bosnia, Russia-Georgia, Global Crash, Pandemic, Nuclear War
Interview with Gerard Toal as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (Ireland, Bosnia, Russia-Georgia, Global Crash, Pandemic, Nuclear War, State Failure, Belfast, Critical Geopolitics)
Martin Müller: Discourse, socio-material practices, bottom-up research, Russia
Interview with Martin Müller as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (Discourse, socio-material practices, bottom-up research, Russia, actor network theory, language, manifestations, localisations)
Julien Mercille: radical political economy, wars, Iraq-Afghanistan, alternative news
Interview with Julien Mercille as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (radical political economy, wars, Iraq-Afghanistan, alternative news)
Phil Steinberg: ocean, city, art, performance of identity, dynamism of space and time
Interview with Phil Steinberg as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (ocean, city, art, performance of identity, dynamism of space and time, electronic communications, infosphere, non-populated, non-possessed spaces)