Introduction Leonhardt organized a Geopolitics course at Maastricht Summer School between 2014 and 2019. The course took place at Maastricht University and attracted students from around the world. The Geopolitics Summer School course first addressed the differences between geopolitics, geo-economics
Geopolitics of Jammu and Kashmir – Nathalène Reynolds (Geopolitical Trends in the 21st Century)
Introducing Nathalène Reynolds Dr Nathalène Reynolds is Associate at the Pakistan Security Research Unit of Durham University and member of the Banque d’Experts at the Réseau de recherche sur les opérations de paix (ROP) of the Université de Montréal.
Geopolitics of Kurdistan: A Telling Example of the Territorial Trap – Fabrizio Eva (Geopolitical Trends in the 21st Century)
Introducing Fabrizio Eva Fabrizio Eva (Carrara, 1949) is professor on contract in Political and Economic Geography at the University of Cà Foscari Venice, Treviso Campus. He is specialised in East Asia, dynamic geopolitics and geopolitical crisis. Professor Eva holds a
Verica Rupar: Journalism and Meaning-making – Reading the Newspaper
Introducing Verica Rupar Verica Rupar is an Associate Professor at the School of Communication Studies, AUT, New Zealand. Her most recent publications include “Getting the facts right: reporting ethnicity and religion in Europe” (IFJ, 2012) and “Scooped: Politics and power
Arthur Asa Berger: Theorizing Tourism – Analyzing Iconic Destinations
Introducing Arthur Asa Berger Arthur Asa Berger is Professor Emeritus of Broadcast and Electronic Communication at San Francisco State University, where he taught from 1965 to 2003. He has published more than 100 articles and close to 70 books on
Jonathan Charteris-Black: Politicians and Rhetoric – The Persuasive Power of Metaphor
Introducing Jonathan Charteris-Black Jonathan Charteris-Black is Professor of Linguistics at the University of the West of England, where he has developed a range of new courses relating to Critical Discourse Analysis and Metaphor. He obtained his PhD at the University
Ruth Wodak and John Richardson: Analysing Fascist Discourse – European Fascism in Talk and Text
Introducing Ruth Wodak Ruth Wodak is Distinguished Professor of Discourse Studies at Lancaster University, UK. Besides various other prizes, she was awarded the Wittgenstein Prize for Elite Researchers in 1996 and an Honorary Doctorate from University Örebro in 2010. Research
Jonathan Charteris-Black: Analysing Political Speeches – Rhetoric, Discourse and Metaphor
Introducing Jonathan Charteris-Black Jonathan Charteris-Black is Professor of Linguistics at the University of the West of England, where he has developed a range of new courses relating to Critical Discourse Analysis and Metaphor. He obtained his PhD at the University
Sabina Mihelj: Media Nations: Communicating Belonging and Exclusion in the Modern World

Introducing Sabina Mihelj Dr Sabina Mihelj is Senior Lecturer in Media, Communication and Culture in the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University, UK. She studied in Slovenia, Germany and Hungary and holds a PhD from the Ljubljana Graduate School
Arthur Asa Berger: Understanding American Icons – An Introduction to Semiotics
Introducing Arthur Asa Berger Arthur Asa Berger is Professor Emeritus of Broadcast and Electronic Communication at San Francisco State University, where he taught from 1965 to 2003. He has published more than 100 articles and close to 70 books on
Jason Dittmer: Captain America and the Nationalist Superhero – Metaphors, Narratives, and Geopolitics
Introducing Jason Dittmer Jason Dittmer received a BA in political science at Jacksonville University before moving to Florida State University for an MA in international affairs and a PhD in geography. He is currently Reader in Human Geography at University
Martin Müller: Discourse, socio-material practices, bottom-up research, Russia
Interview with Martin Müller as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (Discourse, socio-material practices, bottom-up research, Russia, actor network theory, language, manifestations, localisations)
Phil Steinberg: ocean, city, art, performance of identity, dynamism of space and time
Interview with Phil Steinberg as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (ocean, city, art, performance of identity, dynamism of space and time, electronic communications, infosphere, non-populated, non-possessed spaces)
Fiona McConnell: Unrecognised Nations and Peoples Organisation, Tibetan government
Interview with Fiona McConnell as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (Unrecognised Nations and Peoples Organisation, Tibetan government, states, politics, exile, legitimacy, territoriality)
Colin Flint: structure-agency, identity, peace networks, geopolitical codes/visions
Interview with Colin Flint about structure-agency, identity, peace networks, geopolitical codes/visions (agents, actors, representations, practices, spaces, powers, environmental geopolitics)
John Morrissey: subaltern narratives, biopolitical violence, strategic studies
Interview with John Morrissey as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (subaltern narratives, biopolitical violence, defense and strategic studies, geopolitical statecraft, Gaelic Ireland, imperialism, interventionism, superiority)
Leonhardt van Efferink: Nation, nationalism and state – Modernism, Ethno-Symbolism, Primordialism
Article by Leonhardt van Efferink: Nation, nationalism and state 2 – Modernism, Ethno-Symbolism, Primordialism (Perennialism, Identity, Ethnies, Vernacular Languages, Industrialisation)
David Storey: Territories, landscapes, spaces, places, states, borderless world
Interview with David Storey about Territories, landscapes, spaces, places, states, borderless world (Territorialisation, territoriality, claims, independence, legitimate government, Transnistria, Libya, Kosovo)
Michael Skey: Nation, media representations, audiences, models, studies, influence
Interview with Michael Skey about nationhood, media representations, audiences, models, theory, influence (cultures, practices, theory, ethnography, global networks)
Michael Skey: National identity, multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism, globalisation
Interview with Michael Skey about National identity, multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism, globalisation (selfhood, otherness, belonging)
Jon Fox: Nationalist elites, representations, reception theory, social media, sports
Interview with Jon Fox about nationalist elites, representations, reception theory, social media, sports (everyday nationhood, interests, global awareness, World Cup, Olympics)
Jon Fox: Nationalism, social constructivism, modernists, ethno-symbolists
Interview with Jon Fox about Nationalism, social constructivism, modernists, ethno-symbolists (perennialists, reification, discursive approaches, imagined community)
Melanie Hanif: India’s regional interests, identities, instability and integration
Interview with Melanie Hanif about India: regional interests, identities, instability and integration (Insecurity, Threats, Terrorism, Fundamentalism, National Cohesion, Territory, South Asia)
Jason Dittmer: cultural perceptions, comic books, nationalist superheroes, Captain America
Interview with Jason Dittmer as part of the Geopolitical Passport series (cultural perceptions, comic books, nationalist superheroes, Captain America)
Alex Chitty: Western Sahara – Territorial dispute, self-determination and the UN
Publication by Alex Chitty about Western Sahara: territorial dispute, self-determination and the UN (Polisario, Sahrawi, Plebiscite, MINURSO, Morocco, Río de Oro, Algeria, Mauritania