Geopolitical Trends Analysis

Exploring Geopolitics was founded in 2009 by Editor Leonhardt van Efferink. Originally, he had only been educated as an economist. However, after becoming increasingly interested in geopolitical trends analysis, he founded first and then Exploring Geopolitics. Soon after, he did a Master’s in Geopolitics, before starting with a PhD in Geopolitics.

Exploring Geopolitics seeks to improve the geopolitical skills of its visitors. By engaging with diverse ideas about geopolitical trends analysis, this website seeks to be a stimulating forum where contributors and visitors discuss different approaches towards geopolitics.

Exploring Geopolitics gives the floor to different schools of thought in geopolitics and related disciplines. This is reflected by the wide variety of disciplinary and national backgrounds of our 132 contributors. Moreover, Exploring Geopolitics takes geopolitical trends analysis one step further with a strong focus on geopolitical approaches and geopolitical concepts.

Last but not least, it needs to be explained why some articles on this website date back to 2007 and 2008. This is because Leonhardt ran the Dutch website between 2006 and 2008. More specifically, some of the articles from this period have been moved to Exploring Geopolitics that was founded in 2009.

If you have any questions about the website, geopolitical trends analysis or related aspects, please consult the FAQ page or contact Editor Leonhardt.